Ok so im in a little dilema, I really hate the look of aftermarket stereo's but i need bluetooth handfree
I know vy vz have a factory kit using the ck-7w which was a pretty outdated system, however in the vy's I have i was able to modify a ck-100 to operate with the original holden button..
Only problem is vt vx dont have a factory button or location to install
So my original thought was to modify the fog light button to answer the call & voice activation calls, but only problem is the fog light switch is either on or off. So my plan is to modify a vt vx power button switch into the fog light surround and cut the hole under mod switch, problem is button will light up with pwr symboll I have pulled apart numerous buttons to inspect them what they have done is painted the cover then use a computer etcher to engrave symbol as to light up...
What i need is the dash colour code for button and a computer etcher anyone able to assist or have contacts ?
Im planning to use multicolour led ie red for no connection, green for in a call and blue for connected or vise versa
At same time i will have dash painted piano black and install wh statesman stereo with 260watt stereo & steering wheel controls after i purchase a new clock spring to wire through